What do you need?

Doula Services

Pregnancy & Birth

Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Need support during this transition to motherhood? Or are you getting ready to welcome a second or third baby and would like some specialized support? Melissa offers comprehensive in-home, virtual and on-site pregnancy and childbirth support specifically tailored to Black women and their families. No matter where or how you decide to birth, her goal is for you to have a peaceful and positive birth!


Are you going through fertility treatments?
Need a little extra love and support from someone who understands? Melissa is a trained fertility doula. She is experienced in supporting women having fertility issues. From side-effects from PCOS to challenges with fibroids, Melissa will be there for you to support and validate you during this time.


Melissa offers comprehensive, in-home and virtual evidence-based postpartum support for new mamas and their growing families. This includes non-judgemental support and companionship during the fourth trimester. She also offers holistic recommendations and resources tailored to your specific needs to set you up
for your parenting journey.


Melissa is a highly experienced abortion doula. She offers non-judgemental, physical and emotional support before, during and after your abortion. Whether you choose a in-clinic abortion or a medication abortion, Melissa will be there to support you during this time.

Ready to get started? Get in touch.